
5 Amazing Non-Profits Helping Children in White Plains, NY

​Countless non-profits are making a difference in the lives of children in White Plains, NY. Here are five organizations working hard to improve kids’ lives in the White Plains community.

The Boys & Girls Club of White Plains is a safe place for kids after school and during the summer. They offer help with homework, sports, and other activities. The Club also provides meals for members during the summer months.

The White Plains Youth Bureau provides after-school and summer programming for kids. They also offer a teen center where teens can hang out, play pool, and get help with homework.

The Children’s Aid Society has several programs to help children in need, including an after-school program, a summer camp, and a Saturday program. They also offer counseling and other services.

The Westchester County Department of Social Services assists families in need. They offer food assistance, child care, and housing assistance.

Make A Wish Foundation helps children with life-threatening illnesses by granting their wishes. This can be anything from meeting their favorite celebrity to going on a dream vacation.

White Plains Youth Education and Recreation Programs

​The White Plains Youth Education and Recreation Programs (YERPs) provide various educational and recreational opportunities for young people in the White Plains community. The programs are designed to promote positive youth development and prevent the negative consequences of idle time and poor academic performance.

YERPs are offered through the White Plains Recreation and Parks Department and are available to all White Plains residents ages 6-18. Participating in the programs, which are led by trained and experienced staff members, is free.

The programs focus on four key areas: academic success, college and career readiness, leadership development, and community service. Participants can learn new skills, make friends, and give back to their community.

The YERPs are just one of the many ways the White Plains Recreation and Parks Department works to improve the lives of young people in the community. For more information about the programs or to register for a program, visit the White Plains Recreation and Parks Department website.

White Plains Boys & Girls Club

​The White Plains Boys & Girls Club is a non-profit organization providing youth development programs and services to young people in the community. The Club has been serving the community for over 50 years and offers a variety of programs and services that help young people develop into responsible, caring adults.

The Club’s programs and services are designed to meet the specific needs of the community’s youth. The Club offers after-school and summer programs, academic enrichment, homework help, and recreational activities. The Club also provides character and leadership development programs, health and wellness, and the arts.

The White Plains Boys & Girls Club is committed to helping the community’s youth reach their full potential. The Club’s staff members are highly trained and experienced professionals dedicated to assisting young people to succeed. The Club’s facilities are safe, clean, and well-equipped with the latest technology and resources.

The White Plains Boys & Girls Club is a vital part of the community and provides a safe, positive place for youth to grow and learn. The Club is open to all young people in the community, regardless of background or circumstances. The Club’s programs and services are affordable and accessible to all.

If you would like to learn more about the White Plains Boys & Girls Club or donate to support the Club’s work, please visit the Club’s website at

Kids Play: A Non-Profit Dedicated to Helping Kids Thrive

​Welcome to Kids Play: A Non-Profit Dedicated to Helping Kids Thrive!

We are a non-profit organization that is dedicated to helping kids thrive. We believe every kid deserves a chance to succeed in life, and we are here to help them get the opportunities they need to reach their full potential.

We offer a variety of programs and services that are designed to help kids succeed. Our programs focus on education, health and wellness, and community involvement. We also offer various support services that can help families in need.

We are committed to making a difference in the lives of kids. We believe every kid deserves the chance to thrive, and we are here to help them get the opportunities they need to reach their full potential. Thank you for supporting our mission!

Too-Good-to-Be-True: White Plains After School Programs and Enrichment

​When it comes to after-school programs and enrichment opportunities, White Plains has a lot to offer! But with so many choices, it can be hard to know which ones are right for your child. And with so many programs claiming to be “too good to be true,” it’s essential to research and ask the right questions before signing up.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when considering an after-school program or enrichment opportunity in White Plains:

1. What is the program’s focus?

Before you sign up for any program, knowing its focus is essential. Is the program solely focused on academics? Or does it also offer enrichment activities like art, music, or sports? If you’re looking for a well-rounded program to help your child academically and socially, you’ll want to ensure your chosen program has a good mix of both.

2. What are the program’s credentials?

When it comes to after-school programs, not all credentials are created equal. Ask about the program’s accreditation and what type of training the staff has. The more information you have about the program’s credentials, the better equipped you’ll be to make an informed decision.

3. What are the program’s costs?

Of course, cost is always a factor to consider when choosing an after-school program. But it’s important to remember that cheaper doesn’t always mean better. When it comes to after-school programs, you get what you pay for. So, if you’re looking for a high-quality program, be prepared to pay more.

4. What is the program’s schedule?

Before signing up for any program, make sure you know the schedule. Some programs meet daily, while others meet only a few days a week. And some programs offer extended hours to accommodate working parents. So, finding a schedule that will work for you and your family is essential.

5. What is the program’s philosophy?

There is a variety of philosophies out there when it comes to after-school programs. Some programs focus on strict academics, while others take a more relaxed approach. Finding a program that aligns with your family’s educational philosophy is essential.

Choosing an after-school program or enrichment opportunity can be a tough decision. But if you keep these things in mind, you’ll find a suitable program for your child.

Supporting White Plains Non-Profits and the Children They Help

​Many non-profit organizations in White Plains help children in need. Some organizations provide after-school programs, while others support families in crisis. The White Plains community endorses these organizations and their work to help children.

Volunteering your time is one of the most important things you can do to support a non-profit. These organizations rely on the generosity of people willing to give their time to help children in need. There are many ways to volunteer, and you can find an organization that fits your interests and schedule. You can also donate money to support the work of these organizations. Every dollar helps them to provide more services to children in need.

You can also support these organizations by spreading the word about their work. Tell your friends and family about the great work they are doing to help children in our community. The more people know about these organizations, the more support they will have.

If you want to give back to the community, consider supporting one of the many non-profit organizations in White Plains that help children. These organizations are making a difference in the lives of children, and they need your help to continue their work.

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