Nonprofit Westchester: Who We Are and What We Do

​Nonprofit Westchester is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization located in White Plains, New York. We are dedicated to providing financial and administrative assistance to nonprofit organizations in Westchester County.

Our mission is to strengthen the nonprofit sector by providing services that build capacity, increase efficiency, and promote best practices. We serve as a resource for nonprofits, helping them to navigate the ever-changing landscape of rules and regulations.

We provide a variety of services to our clients, including:

· Financial Management: We can help you with budgeting, cash flow management, financial reporting, and auditing.

· Human Resources: We can assist you with recruiting, onboarding, employee relations, compensation and benefits, and performance management.

· IT & Information Systems: We can help you with choosing and implementing the right technology solutions for your organization, as well as provide training on how to use them effectively.

· Marketing & Communications: We can help you with planning and executing marketing and communications strategies that effectively reach your target audiences.

· Organizational Development: We can help you with strategic planning, program evaluation, board development, and fundraising.

If you are a nonprofit organization in Westchester County, we invite you to contact us to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.

Our Vision and Mission

​Our vision is to be a premier provider of human services that improve the quality of life for all people in Westchester County.

Our mission is to provide high quality, comprehensive services that meet the changing needs of the individuals, families and communities we serve. We are committed to serving our clients with compassion, dignity and respect.

We are a non-profit organization that is dedicated to helping the residents of Westchester County. We offer a variety of services that are designed to improve the quality of life for all people in the community. We are committed to providing high quality, comprehensive services that meet the changing needs of the individuals, families and communities we serve. We pride ourselves on being a premier provider of human services and being able to make a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.

Services for Westchester Nonprofits

​If you are a nonprofit organization in Westchester County, there are many services available to help you.

One of the most important services is the Westchester Community Foundation. The Foundation connects nonprofits with donors and helps to raise money for charitable causes. They also offer training and technical assistance to nonprofits.

Another great service is the United Way of Westchester and Putnam. The United Way offers many programs to help nonprofits, including volunteer opportunities, grantmaking, and capacity building. They also have a 2-1-1 hotline that connects people with local services, including nonprofits.

The Westchester County Association is also a great resource for nonprofits. The Association offers networking opportunities, discounts on office space and other services, and access to their membership directory.

There are many other services available to nonprofits in Westchester County. These are just a few of the most important ones. If you are a nonprofit, make sure to take advantage of all the resources available to you!

Supporting Resource Development and Sustainability

​As a 501(c)(3) organization, Westchester County is committed to providing support for resource development and sustainability. One of our main goals is to invest in the long-term health and well-being of our community. To that end, we strive to connect individuals and organizations with the resources they need to be successful.

We are constantly working to identify and secure new funding sources to support our programs and services. We also work with local businesses and organizations to help them find new ways to save money and become more sustainable.

In addition to our financial resources, we also offer a variety of technical assistance and training programs. These programs are designed to help individuals and organizations improve their operations and become more efficient.

We believe that by supporting resource development and sustainability, we can make a positive impact on the lives of those who live and work in Westchester County.

Events and Programs for Nonprofits

​Events and Programs for Nonprofits

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Westchester Community Foundation is committed to helping other nonprofits in our community succeed. We offer a variety of events and programs specifically designed to support nonprofits and help them achieve their missions.

One of our most popular programs is our Nonprofit Boot Camp, which is a series of workshops that cover topics like fundraising, marketing, and board development. We also offer an annual Nonprofit Expo, which is a great opportunity for nonprofits to network and learn about the services and resources available to them.

In addition to our events and programs, we also offer a variety of resources on our website, including a directory of nonprofits in Westchester County, a calendar of events, and a blog with tips and resources for nonprofits.

We are always looking for ways to support nonprofits in our community, so if you have any ideas or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Our Professional Network

​When it comes to finding a job, it’s all about who you know. Your professional network can be the key to landing your dream job or advancing in your career. But what is a professional network? And how do you go about building one?

A professional network is a group of contacts that can help you with your career. These can be colleagues, mentors, friends, or acquaintances. A strong professional network can offer advice, support, and opportunities.

Building a professional network can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Start by reaching out to your current contacts. Let them know you’re looking to expand your network and ask if they have any suggestions. You can also join relevant professional organizations or attend networking events.

Once you’ve started building your network, it’s important to keep it strong. Stay in touch with your contacts and offer help when you can. A strong professional network can be a valuable asset throughout your career.

Financial Support for Westchester Nonprofits

​As the cost of doing business continues to rise, many nonprofits in Westchester are finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet. This is especially true for small organizations with limited budgets and staff. Fortunately, there are a number of ways that nonprofits can get financial support to help them continue their important work in the community.

One way that nonprofits can get financial support is through government grants. Nonprofits can apply for federal, state, and local grants that can help with operating costs, program expenses, and more. There are also a number of private foundations that offer grants to nonprofits, which can be used for a variety of purposes.

Another way to get financial support is through individual donors. Nonprofits can solicit donations from individuals, businesses, and other organizations. These donations can be used to fund specific programs or projects, or they can be used to help with general operating expenses.

Another source of financial support for nonprofits is corporate sponsorships. Nonprofits can partner with businesses to receive financial support for their programs and activities. In return, businesses often receive promotional benefits, such as recognition on website and printed materials, exposure at events, and more.

Finally, nonprofits can also generate income by charging fees for services, renting out facilities, selling products, and more. This income can be used to help cover operating costs, fund programs, and more.

There are a number of ways that nonprofits can get financial support. By taking advantage of these resources, nonprofits can continue to provide valuable services to the community.

Our History and Accomplishments

How You Can Get Involved with Nonprofit Westchester

​Nonprofit Westchester is a great organization that provides a lot of resources and support for nonprofits in the Westchester area. There are many ways to get involved with Nonprofit Westchester, and here are just a few:

One way to get involved is to become a member. As a member, you will have access to a variety of resources, including a monthly newsletter, discounts on events and workshops, and a directory of nonprofits in the area. You can also get involved by attending events and workshops, which are a great way to learn more about the nonprofit sector and network with other professionals.

Nonprofit Westchester also offers volunteer opportunities. You can volunteer your time to help with special events, administrative tasks, or even becoming a mentor for a nonprofit. This is a great way to give back to the community and gain some valuable experience.

Finally, you can also make a financial contribution to Nonprofit Westchester. This will help them continue to provide resources and support to nonprofits in the Westchester area.

There are many ways to get involved with Nonprofit Westchester. By becoming a member, attending events and workshops, volunteering, or making a financial contribution, you can help support the important work that they do.

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