
Effective Date: SEPTEMBER 2023

Welcome to www.cityofwhiteplains.org (the “Website”). We believe in transparency and want to be clear about how we operate when it comes to affiliate marketing and sponsored content. This Disclosure Policy outlines our practices regarding affiliate links and sponsored content.

Affiliate Links Disclosure

The Website may contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a commission if you click on or make a purchase through these links. This comes at no additional cost to you. We only promote products, services, or resources that we believe may be valuable to our users.

Our use of affiliate links is intended to support the maintenance and operation of this Website and to provide you with useful information related to the City of White Plains.

Sponsored Content Disclosure

At times, we may feature sponsored content on our Website. Sponsored content is created in collaboration with companies or advertisers, and we may receive compensation for featuring or promoting their products or services.

We want to emphasize that our commitment to our users’ best interests remains our top priority. We will only feature sponsored content if we believe it aligns with our mission and provides value to our audience. Any sponsored content will be clearly identified as such.

Transparency and Integrity

We are committed to maintaining transparency and integrity in all our content and affiliate relationships. Our reviews, recommendations, and opinions are based on our honest assessment of products, services, or resources, whether they are promoted through affiliate links or sponsorships.

We encourage you to make informed decisions and reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns regarding our affiliate links or sponsored content.

Your Trust Matters

We value the trust of our readers and strive to provide accurate and valuable information. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback related to our disclosure policy or any other aspect of our Website, please do not hesitate to contact us here.

By using our Website, you acknowledge and agree to our Disclosure Policy.

Last updated: SEPTEMBER 2023